Umm at-Tut reserve
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Habitat: Quercus calliprinos woodland on limestone
Ecozone:Central Highlands
Area handed over: 320 dunums
IUCN criteria: IV -Managed Reserve
Landowner: Government
Governorate: Jenin Governorate
North Palestine
Phytogeographical Regions: Mediterranean Sea
Annual rainfall: 400-500 mm
Soil: Terra Rossa, Rendzina
Umm at-Tut (أم التوت) Nature Reserve (Al-Marj) is located in the Jenin District, northern Palestine, with an area of 363 dunams. Nearby cities include Jenin, Nablus, and the village of El-Zebibdah. To access the reserve, visitors will drive past several local landmarks, including the Haddad Resort (hotel and amusement park), Arab American University and agricultural fields in the outskirts of Jenin.
Gentle Hills
On a clear day in Umm at-Tut, you can see the ancient city of Nazareth in the distance. The Nature Reserve contains natural forests, such as Evergreen Oak and Aleppo Pine woodland, which are also found in Corsica and Sardinia. Umm at-Tut is a species rich area, high in biodiversity. Enjoy picnics, trail hiking, and scenic views.
Calm Hiking in Umm at-Tut
Walking in Umm at-Tut is most beautiful during the early Spring when the almond trees are in blossom. The best accessible walking trail begins on a dirt road from the main road, leading into the hills above the reserve, marked by stones on the walking path. At the top, the trail offers a panoramic view of the wadi below and orchards of old olive trees. A second loop hike also departs from Haddad Resort, crossing into the wadi near the Arab American University in Tilfit and the village of Jalqamus. For further information about this trail, see “Walking Palestine” book. In his book Walking Palestine Stefan Szepesi describes the history, culture and daily life of the Westbank in a way that got a little bit neglected in recent times. With maps and descriptions of over 250 km’s of walking trails he is introducing Palestine’s’ countryside to everyone – experienced hikers as well everyone interested in Palestinian nature and culture.
Use of natural resources and ecosystem services:
Umm at-Tut is a very important grazing area because of large livestock numbers in villages in the vicinity of the reserve. Also Wild plants are used mainly for household use of Micromeria nervosa. Fuel wood is used moderately (10% of local fuel demand) by neighboring villages. Umm at-Tut is an important as a recreation area for inhabitants of local villages, particularly in spring.
Pressures and threats:
Being easily accessible and in the vicinity of several villages, Umm Al-Tut is under considerable pressure from grazing, logging (for fuel wood), hunting and waste disposal. An additional future threat is the conversion of further areas to agricultural use.
Museums & Cultural Centers
Homestays & Hotels
Ancient Sites
Towns & Villages
Restaurants & Shops
Mohammad Atari 0597853731
Usama Zoughbi 0593304975
Ala Abu Sada 0598907270
Ibraheem Mashala 0598955748